Wood Badge
In 1911, Scouting’s founder, Lord Baden-Powell, took the first steps in training Scouting’s adults by organizing a series of lectures. He made great strides in the years that followed, culminating in 1919 with the establishment of Wood Badge training. Wood Badge recipients now number more than 100,000 Scouters around the world.
Wood Badge is the premier adult leadership development course for the Boy Scouts of America. The focus is on leadership, where leadership techniques and skills are shared with participants to enable them to become better leaders not only in Scouting but in their personal lives as well. The objective is to demonstrate the aims and methods of Scouting through the presentation of leadership skills, organizational tools, and a variety of activities based on the best of Scouting traditions and the latest in team development theory. Additionally, participants enjoy the fellowship of sharing with other Scouters, while having a great deal of fun.
Wood Badge is designed for registered leaders, both volunteer and professional, from all of the current BSA programs (Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, and Venturing). Wood Badge’s effectiveness as a leadership development experience has been applauded by industry training professionals. Its positive influence on graduates’ individual unit-level programs is unparalleled.
So, are you ready to experience the premier adult leadership training offered by the Boy Scouts of America? If so, click the link below, get yourself registered, and get ready for a scouting experience of a lifetime.