Cub Scout Advancement
ADVANCEMENT IS THE PROCESS by which youth members progress through ranks in the Scouting program by the gradual mastery of Scouting skills.
Regardless the program—Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, Venturing, or Sea Scouts—where advancement takes place, it is nothing more and nothing less than a method. It is a means toward accomplishing the Boy Scouts of America mission. It is not an end in itself.
“Advancement is one of the eight methods used by Scout leaders to help youth fulfill the aims of the BSA.”
The outcomes of the Scouting experience should be fun and educational, and not just relate to completing rank requirements that might place unrealistic expectations on a member who has a disability.
Cub Scout Program Updates 2024-2025
BSA has made updates to the current Cub Scout program. Some of the changes include repeating the Bobcat requirement each year, knife safety will be taught at 3 different levels rather than just one year, and a fishing elective for each level of Cub Scouts.
There will also be new handbooks, beltloops and badges.
The changes will be fun and easy to implement!
Check out an overview of the changes here.
Cub Scout Program Updates 4.18.24
All Cub Scout awards are retired, and there are new elective Adventures that cover the same topics (ie Summertime Pack Award, Cub Scout Shooting Sports Award etc). We will post support materials for the updated Shooting Sports adventures soon.
- The boating Adventures for Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light require the Cub Scout to pass the swimmer test before they work on the Adventure. This does not mean that a Cub Scout who hasn't passed the swimmer test cannot go boating - they just can't earn the adventure yet. For example, a Bear scout can canoe as a camp activity as long as the current aquatics guidelines are being followed, however, if that Bear scout wants to earn the Cub Scout Adventure Bears Afloat, they have to pass the swimmer test first.
- The Cub Scout Whittling Chip will be retired June, 1. In its place are three new knife safety Adventures. To use a knife in Cub Scouting, the Cub Scout must earn the knife safety Adventure for their current rank, even if they earned it in a previous rank. This is a “recertification”.