Scouting for Food

  1. Scouting teaches values. Scouts are taught to "do a good turn daily".  Each year across the nation, Cub Scouts, boys, and girls in Scouts BSA, and boy and girl members of the Boy Scouts of America Venture Crews are participating in Scouting for Food.
  2. Scouting for Food has been a National Good Turn effort of the Boy Scouts of America.  In Mecklenburg County, Scouting for Food has brought in over five million pounds of food over the past 3 decades.
  3. Nourish Up provides groceries meals and hope through a network of food pantries in Charlotte-Mecklenburg and as the primary Meals on Wheels program in Mecklenburg Co. 
  4. Mecklenburg County Council’s 2024 Scouting for Food combined food and cash donations totaled 180,500 pounds.
  5. Clients receive a week’s supply of groceries in a prepacked emergency food box, one for each member of the household, along with fresh produce, fresh meat and dairy as available.
  6. People who are assisted by Nourish Up are experiencing a short-term financial crisis such as a medical emergency, job loss, reduced hours or a car repair.
  7. Priority Food Needs

Canned fruit (low sugar), canned meats, canned pastas, pasta and cereal (including gluten free) as well as low sodium canned vegetables. 



For more information about Nourish Up please visit:

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2025 Scouting for Food Leader Guide Download