Who is My Unit Commissioner?

Our Mission is to help units succeed!

We provide units with meaningful service that delivers Scouting ideals to youth, brings about membership growth, and ensures on-time charter renewal.  The concept of today's commissioner service focuses on the unit. The commissioner's mission is to keep the unit operating at maximum efficiency so that they can deliver a good program to a growing membership.

The Role of Commissioner Is One of the Most Important in the BSA
Article by Aaron on Scouting


Unit Commissioner to help Units succeed. Provide units with meaningful service that delivers Scouting ideals to youth, brings about membership growth, and ensures on-time charter renewal.

We are always in need of new commissioners!

Trail to Commissioner Service & Recognition

Meet your MCC Council Commissioner

     Rob Seate began his Scouting journey in Wilson, NC as a Wolf in Pack 6 chartered by First United Methodist Church.  After earning the Arrow of Light, he joined Troop 6 where he served in many youth leadership positions.  Rob was elected to the Order of the Arrow in 1975 and served as Chapter Chief and Lodge Vice Chief of Inductions.  In 1978, he also served as a member of the Camp Bonner Scout Reservation Summer Camp Staff.  In January of 1979, he was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout under the guidance of his beloved Scoutmaster, Marshal L. Newbern. 

 As an Adult Scouter, Rob has served in many roles including Pack Committee Chair, Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, and District Commissioner.  He earned his Wood Badge Beads in 2012 (Owl Patrol) and served as Troop Guide in 2017 (Bear Patrol).  In 2018, he was awarded the OA Vigil Honor.  In 2021, he was awarded the Silver Beaver and National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) Outstanding Eagle Scout.  He currently serves as the Mecklenburg County Council (MCC) Commissioner, Chair of the MCC COPE & Climbing Committee, and Catawba Lodge Associate Advisor (Inductions).  Rob also serves as a Southern Region National Camp Accreditation Program (NCAP) Team Lead and a member of the National Camp School Instructor Faculty for COPE & Climbing.

     Rob lives in Charlotte with his wife Whitney and their 2 sons Beau and Carter.  Whitney is a Speech Language Pathologist for Atrium Health and the Rock Hill School District.  Beau (21) is an Eagle Scout and a Senior in Computer Science at UNC Charlotte.  Carter (18) is an Eagle Scout and a 13th Year Senior at Harper Middle College High School.