Collections and Scouting Heritage MBs

Collections and Scouting Heritage Merit Badges

in conjunction with Charlotte Trade-O-Ree [TOR]
Boy Scout Memorabilia Show (Buy, Sell, Trade, Browse)

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Collections Merit Badge, 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m 

Scouting Heritage Merit Badge, 11:30 a.m to 2:00 p.m.

presented by BSA Pack 33 and Troop 233 and Sardis Presbyterian Church


Location and date and time of event:  

Sardis Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall
6100 Sardis Rd., Charlotte, NC 28270


Minimum class sizes:  4
Maximum class sizes:  16

Costs:  Scouts and Scouters in uniform may attend the TOR at no charge.  Scouts who wish to make purchases at the TOR should set a budget with their parent(s) before leaving home, should have permission from a parent for any purchases, and should bring cash.  Purchases or trades at the TOR are not expected or required.

There is no fee for Scouts to participate in one or both merit badges.


How to register:  Please open this link to on-line registration:

Oct 15 - Collections & Scouting Heritage Merit Badge Sign Up


Registration opens:   With publication and promotion of these courses.

Registration closes:  When classes fill to maximum capacity or on Thursday, October 12, 5:00 p.m.

Age and rank guidelines:  None.  Scouts BSA members from any troop in any council are welcome to register and participate.  There are no age or rank requirements to participate.


Parents are welcome to attend all sessions.  We need parent(s) to attend to serve as 2-deep leaders to follow Scout Youth Protection guidelines.

Instructor(s):  Counselor for this course is Stuart Tucker, a merit badge counselor registered with Mecklenburg County Council.

Questions:   For questions about this merit badge course, please contact Stuart Tucker, by email at .


Blue cards

Each Scout must present to the counselor a new, separate blue card signed by their Scoutmaster indicating permission to participate in the course(s).  Scouts should fill out the requirement grid portion of the card and have the Merit Badge Counselor initial this section of the card for each completed requirement.  When the Scout has completed all requirements, the Merit Badge Counselor must sign and date the card in 2 places.  Each Scout is responsible for obtaining these signatures and for turning the blue card over to their Scoutmaster so that the merit badge can be registered and awarded.

For Scouts who arrive without blue cards or without blue cards signed by their Scoutmasters, the merit badge counselor will provide new, blank blue cards to them at no cost.

Before registering for any merit badges, Scouts and parents should read the Blue Card Guide posted at 

Scouts, parents, Scout leaders, and merit badge counselors should review this video about to how to manage blue cards: 

Scouts must not reuse partially filled out blue cards from other merit badges.  Lining out or erasing or putting a label over a merit badge name or over a counselor or Scoutmaster signature on an old card for a merit badge never started or completed is not acceptable.  Each blue card should be a new, original card with new, original signatures in ink.

Scouts must completely fill out all relevant blanks on blue cards in ink before handing the blue card to the counselor.

The counselor must sign the back of the blue card in 2 places, both indicated by “Signature of Counselor”, once on the left panel and once on the middle panel.  The counselor must indicate the date of the signatures.  All blanks and all signatures and dates should be written in ink.  Each Scout is responsible to obtain these signatures and to personally deliver the card to their Scoutmaster so that the merit badge can be registered and awarded.

The counselor will complete the grid on the blue card front middle panel.  Each Scout must list each numbered requirement on the grid.  The counselor will initial and date each completed requirement.  The counselor will mark each pending requirement so that the Scout has a readily available record of their completed and yet-to-be completed work for review later with that counselor or with another counselor.

If the Scout completes all requirements, the counselor should keep the Counselor’s Record panel in a secure location. If the merit badge somehow is not registered or recorded or if the Scout’s portion of the blue card is lost or damaged, the Counselor’s Record can be invaluable.

The Scout must show the signed and dated and completed blue card to the Scoutmaster.  The Scoutmaster will sign on the line “Signature of unit leader” on the back middle panel of the blue card.

The Scout must show the signed and dated and completed blue card to the troop Advancement Coordinator.  The Advancement Coordinator will take the blue card for further processing, registration and stamping at the Scout Shop, and for purchasing a merit badge patch for the Scout to receive at a troop meeting or at a Court of Honor.

When a blue card is returned to the Scout with a merit badge patch at a presentation ceremony at a troop meeting or at a Court of Honor, the Scout must keep that blue card in a safe and protected place to maintain a personal record of their accomplishment.  Blue cards are invaluable if computer or troop records become unusable or unavailable for any reason.  Blue cards are customarily part of a Scout’s Eagle application packet.

The Scout is responsible for planning and completing each step in the blue card management process.

Partial or Full Completion

Full completion of many of this merit badge is possible IF Scouts complete above preparations before and during class.  If a Scout does not finish all requirements, the Scout must work with their counselor to list and initial requirements completed on their blue card for later completion with that counselor or with a registered counselor associated with their home troop or a registered counselor identified through Scoutbook.  Scouts should follow the buddy system with 2-deep adult leadership for all merit badge counseling sessions.


COVID guidelines:

Scouts, adults, and staff will follow COVID guidelines established by the CDC posted at

and at 

and by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services posted at

Everyone, whether vaccinated or not, should consider wearing a mask while indoors and while positioned within 6 feet of another person, even if outside.

Health forms:  Scouts are requested to bring a current completed and signed BSA Health and Medical Record forms, Parts A and B1 and B2.  Part C with provider examination and signature is not required.

Scouts are requested to bring copies of front and back of their health insurance card, and BSA Immunization Exemption Request form, if applicable.

This form is available at 

Scouts will keep these forms with them throughout the day.


Food and drinks:  Food and refreshments may be available for purchase.  Scouts may pack their own snacks and meals and beverages.  Scouts may drink and eat in the designated area during breaks in the class.  Eating or drinking during the class sessions and while browsing the TOR displays is not appropriate.


Scouts should bring their own lunch meals and beverages and snacks.  Scouts should not bring nut or sesame seed products because of risk of serious allergies affecting participants and staff.

Please bring a personal water bottle.


Clothing:  Scouts are expected to wear their field uniform (“Class A” uniform) with Scouts pants and shirt to demonstrate participation as a Scout and to reinforce Scouting values and behavior during the course.  Scouts must wear closed-toe shoes or boots (not sandals) with socks to classes for safety and decorum.  Neckerchiefs and merit badge sashes and medals are not expected or required.

We do not anticipate outdoor activities as part of this course.

Bad weather:  We will hold this class whether rain or shine.


What to bring

Scouts should pack health forms, blue cards, clothing layers, rain gear, personal first aid kit, food for snacks and lunch, water, pen, paper, merit badge homework, EpiPens, asthma inhalers, other medications, sunscreen (in season).  To allow hands-free walking, please pack gear in a sturdy day pack, not in a paper or plastic bag or a duffel.

Your personal first aid kit should be the same one that you assembled for Tenderfoot rank and the same one that you carry on camping trips.


Cell phones

A Scout is courteous.  Scouts may have cell phones with them during the day, but cell phones should be turned off completely during all class and work sessions and stored in a plastic bag in the Scout’s daypack.  If a Scout chooses to send text messages or talk on their cell phone or check social media during the activity, they will be expected to loan their cell phone to the instructor or to a parent or to a Scout leader for safe keeping during the rest of the day, to be returned when the activity ends.