Scouter Success Seminar 2022
Training for Youth and Adult Leaders
Saturday, September 10, 2022 - 8AM to 5PM
Central Piedmont Community College Central Campus, North Classroom Building 1320 Sam Ryburn Walk, Charlotte, NC
$20 in advance for youth and adults covers multiple sessions. Lunch option is additional $10.
Over twenty hour-long sessions on skills, administration, and programs . . . fundraising, marketing your unit, award programs, interfaith services, orienteering, knots, cooking, and more!
Adult Position Required Training for all Pack, Troop, and Crew roles.
Youth Leader Training, including Den Chiefs, Outdoor Ethics Guides, and Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST) for all troop leaders.
Advancement training for adults and for Scouts working toward Eagle.
“Deep Dive” courses and certifications: Scoutbook, Leave No Trace 101, CPR/AED.
CPR/AED class is an extra $16
2022 Course List
Position Specific Training
Satisfies in whole or part the required training for pack and troop leaders, entitling you to wear the
“Training” strip on your uniform (with exceptions noted below). These classes may alternatively be taken online through
- Cub Scout Leaders: Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster*, Den Leader*, Pack Committee (classes C40, C42, C60). Portions are taught jointly with breakouts by position.
- Den Chief: Both Den Leaders and Den Chiefs should attend. Den Chiefs will receive a handbook, earn the "Trained" strip, and complete a key requirement toward the Den Chief Service Award.
- Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster* (class S24)
- Troop Committee Challenge (class WS10)
- Venturing Crew Committee (class WS12)
- Venturing Advisor/Assistant Advisor (class P21)
- Commissioner Basic (class D20)
- Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST). All ages. Equips youth with information about leading troops. Prerequisite for advanced youth leader courses (SEALS, NYLT, NAYLE). Adults may attend as observers so that they can deliver this at their troops.
* These positions also require the online Hazardous Weather Training, and in the case of Scoutmasters/ASMs, the in-person weekend Outdoor Leadership Skills.
- Citizenship in Society: How to teach this new Eagle-required merit badge.
- Mechanics of Eagle Advancement, Part 1. 18+. Nuts and bolts of advancement, including rank requirement interpretation and how to properly conduct Boards of Review, including the Eagle Board of Review.
- Mechanics of Eagle Advancement, Part 2. All ages; Life Scouts given preference. Detailed review of the Eagle Project workbook and process.
- Avoiding Common Eagle Application Mistakes. All ages; ideal for Life scouts and Eagle coaches.
- BSA Leave No Trace 101.** All ages. Understand the principles of LNT and gain confidence to sign off related rank requirements. Especially recommended for troop Outdoor Ethics Guides. A good prerequisite to the 16-hour BSA Leave No Trace Trainer Course.
- CPR/AED. All ages. Certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Prerequisite for the 16-hour Wilderness First Aid. Requires pre-class work; additional cost is $16.
** Counts for the Outdoor Ethics Awareness Award, requirement 5.
- Cooking for Cubs: Hands-on cooking for fun anywhere with Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts. Get recipes plus various indoor and outdoor cooking tips.
- Cub Scouts and Hiking: Discuss the different types of hikes Cub Scouts enjoy and relate these hikes to badge-specific adventures. How to plan and prepare for hikes, out-of-the-box hikes and where to find them, policies and procedures to follow, forms, gear, training, outdoor ethics, and more.
- Knots 101: Helpful strategies for teaching the knots required for the Trail to First Class; also great for Webelos leaders.
- Lashings 101: Helpful strategies for teaching lashings required for the Trail to First Class, and to unlock the fun of pioneering!
- Flag Etiquette: Curious about proper flag etiquette for Scouts and Scouters? Learn about the USA Flag Code and the proper way to handle, display, and store your United States flag.
- Map & Compass Essentials: Great tricks and techniques for teaching map and compass skills to your Scouts. Through fun games and hands-on activities, they’ll master these essential skills. Please bring your own compass.
- Hammock Camping: An introduction to why you might consider hammocks and discusses equipment, practices, tips, and other resources.
- The National Outdoor Award: When a Scout excels in outdoor participation, there are awards to show for it! This program, conceived by the BSA’s National Camping Task Force, includes a series of six badges designed to recognize a Scout who has exemplary knowledge and experience in performing high-level outdoor activities.
- Duty to God and Religious Emblems: Clarify the requirements regarding "Duty to God" and begin gathering ideas and resources to help your Scouts work through them. Learn about the Religious Emblem programs in which Cub Scouts, Scouts and Scouters may participate.
- Interfaith Guidance and Services: Options for unit-based interfaith services and observances in today's troops with multiple faiths, cultures, and ideas about "Duty to God."
- 2023 Summer Opportunities: Jamborees & High Adventure. There’s a lot happening in 2023. Learn more about what to expect at the National and World Jamborees and High Adventure bases, how to get there, and why you should go.
- Kids’ Brains & Screens: Keeping the “Outing” in Scouting! The average child spends over fifty- two hours a week in front of electronic media! This science-backed course introduces Scout Leaders to the education families need to change their lifestyle and begin to live family-centered rather than technology-centered lives.
- How a Venture Crew can Help Your Troop: Your Troop can benefit from having a related Venture Crew. Keep those older scouts engaged and interested, and foster a culture of high adventure.
- Scoutbook Success. 18+. Use the web-based unit-management tool to maximum benefit. Separate sessions for packs and troops/crews.
- Build a Great Join Night: Learn how to have an absolutely fabulous Join Night, where your scouts AND your latest recruits will have fun and build camaraderie. Get those new scouts signed up and excited for your upcoming Den and Pack meetings.
- The Scout Led Troop: What does it mean to be a Scout-led troop? Come learn what a Scout-led troop looks like, how it operates, and what steps to take to move your Troop towards that goal.
- Success with Fundraisers: Panel discussion on running a unit fundraiser, whether it is through a council opportunity like Camp Cards, or something different.
- Marketing your Unit: Resources available to you to make your unit shine and attract potential new Scouts.
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