MCC Pinewood Derby

Get your cars rolling!

Our event will be Saturday, March 29 on the campus of UNCC in the Cone University Center .

We will accept registrations until Thursday, March 27, so please spread the word to your Cub families!

Below is the tentative schedule of events (the Council site will be updated shortly and a note will be going out to all registered families):

  • Registration/weigh in starts Saturday 12 pm and ends at 1 pm, race will conclude around 3 pm. Review the guidelines carefully (available for download on the sign up link). Contact Brian Stanley with any logistical concerns. Racers must be in attendance to participate.
  • Parking:  Cone Deck 2, Visitor Parking (See Google Maps link).  The top level of the deck will be open vor visitors and free parking on this day.   There is a bridge from the top deck to the main entrance of the Cone University Center, where the Derby will be held.
  • Registration location:  After crossing the pedestrian bridge from the deck, enter the Cone Center & head upstairs to Lucas Room 341.  The doors will open at 12pm.
    • Following successful completion of registration, rosters will be loaded/updated in the computer
    • Racing is tentatively set to start at 1 pm ... the track is 6 lanes, so each entry will have 6 races (one on each track)
    • We expect the qualifying Heats to last 90-120 minutes. This is dependent on the number of last-minute entries, so we ask that families stay and cheer on the other Cubs so they don’t miss their Heats.
    • The Championship Heats will be run at the conclusion of the general races; we should be complete by 3 pm or so.

Please contact Brian Stanley at with any questions or concerns. Excited to get rolling again!

Check out the eBook on the science of and how to build PWD cars:

Zip over to the Pinewood Derby Hub for even more tips, tricks and information.



Be sure to read and follow the Race Rules!

Link Below

  • Mecklenburg County Council Pinewood Derby
    March 29, 2025

    Register Today
File Name Description
2025 Pinewood Derby Rules Download